Kathie Marsaglia joined the Department of Geological Sciences in 2000. She is a sedimentologist with expertise in sandstone petrology, sedimentation and tectonics, and marine geology. Between graduate degrees and before coming to CSUN, she worked at various levels in the petroleum industry including several summer internships and full-time positions, the latter first as an exploration geologist and later as a senior reservoir geologist. Over her career she has spent over two years at sea on scientific cruises collecting, describing, and interpreting marine sediments and sedimentary rocks. She is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, was an AAPG distinguished lecturer, and received both the Outstanding Faculty and Exceptional Service to Students Awards at CSUN. In 2019 she was honored by AAPG with a Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award. In recent years, she was a member of the U.S. Advisory Committee (USAC) for the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). Most recently she was an Ocean Discovery Lecturer and chaired the IODP Science Evaluation Panel until the end of the program in 2024.

  • Ph.D. 1989, University of California Los Angeles
  • M.S. 1982, University of Illinois
  • B.S. 1979, University of Illinois

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