Brief Biography
Mark Abelson, part-time lecturer, joined the CSUN Social Work Department in the spring of 2011. He also teaches in the CSUN Sociology Department. Abelson is a graduate of UCLA with a Master of Social Work and a Master of Fine Arts. He is also a human relations consultant with over twenty years in human relations education and training and sixteen years in public education, including ten years at the post-secondary level. The primary focus of his consulting practice is the design, implementation and evaluation of programs related to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression (SOGIE).
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Class # | Catalog # | Title | Days | Time (Start-End) | Location | Syllabus |
12229 | SWRK 520 | Social Work Practice in Multicultural Contexts | Fr | 01:00 PM - 03:45 PM | MA214 | Not Available |
Office Hours
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