Dr. Maryam Tabibzadeh is an Associate Professor at the Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering & Management at CSUN. Her research has been focused on risk analysis in complex safety-critical and technology-intensive industries, such as offshore drilling, healthcare, and transportation sectors. Investigating the role of human and organizational factors (HOFs), along with technological elements, in the safety of operations in those industries has been a major focus of her research. As examples, in the offshore drilling industry, she has developed risk analysis frameworks to analyze the critical role of HOFs in the safety of operations. In the healthcare industry, she has completed research projects in the area of patient safety and development of proactive risk assessment methodologies to improve quality of care.
Maryam Tabibzadeh has presented and published papers in the areas of risk assessment and safety management, safety culture improvement, systematic accident investigation, and interoperability analysis of multiple emergency response agencies in different peer-reviewed conferences and journals. As part of her accomplishments, she was selected as an Early-Career Research Fellow at the Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, engineering, & Medicine (Jan.2024-Dec.2025). She also received the Outstanding Engineering Achievement Merit Award in 2018 and 2024 and the Distinguished Engineering Educator Award in 2022 from The Engineers’ Council.

  • Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering 2014, University of Southern California
  • M.S.c. Operations Research Engineering 2013, University of Southern California
  • M.Sc. Industrial Engineering 2008, Sharif University of Technology
  • B.S.c. Industrial Engineering 2006, Sharif University of Technology

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