Dr. Patty Kwan teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in the Public Health program. She has extensive research experience in health disparities, particularly in diseases/conditions and health behaviors that disproportionately affect minority populations such as Asian Americans (AA) and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (NHPIs). She has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) starting from her years as a doctoral student (NIDA) to post-doctorates work (NCI) to her professional, academic appointment as faculty at CSUN (NIMHD & NIGMS). Currently, she is 1 of 4 multiple Principal Investigators of a NIGMS-funded center, “BUILD@CSUN: Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD); Promoting Opportunities for Diversity in Education and Research (PODER)” which focuses on implementing and studying innovative approaches to engaging and retaining underrepresented minority undergraduate students in biomedical research and in doing so, encourage them to pursue careers in the biomedical field. Dr. Kwan is also the lead Principal Investigator of a community-engaged research project funded by the National Institutes on Minority Health and Health Disparities titled “SEA US, HEAR US” or “Southeast Asians in the U.S.: Health Equity And Research to Understand COVID-19 Stories”.

  • Ph.D. 2010, University of Southern California
  • M.P.H 2001, University of Southern California
  • B.S. 1998, University of Southern California

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