Project Type:


Project Sponsors:

  • Digital Trust Foundation

Project Award:

  • $386,982

Project Timeline:

2015-02-16 – 2016-11-30

Lead Principal Investigator:

Project Team:

A Youth-Driven Information Privacy Education Campaign

Project Type:


Project Sponsors:

  • Digital Trust Foundation

Project Award:

  • $386,982

Project Timeline:

2015-02-16 – 2016-11-30

Lead Principal Investigator:

Project Team:

This project involves the development of a comprehensive and educational social marketing communications plan designed to help educate middle-school-aged youth about information use and abuse online. The goal is to enhance digital information literacy while developing critical thinking skills and creative communication skills for middle-school-age children and the college undergraduates who will be working with them on this project. To complete the project California State University Northridge undergraduates will first learn about online privacy and digital literacy related issues. Under the guidance of CSUN professors Dr. Kristen Walker and Dr. Tina Kiesler, the undergraduates will work with middle-school-aged youth in the Los Angeles county region to research and assess youth knowledge of issues they face online, develop potential solutions, and implement those solutions in an educational social media marketing campaign designed to enhance the digital literacy and responsible online behavior of middle-school-aged youth.

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